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Table 6 A parsimonious ECM of growth, bank credit and inflation in Mexico (Dependent variable: ΔGDP)

From: Growth, bank credit, and inflation in Mexico: evidence from an ARDL-bounds testing approach


Model A


−0.020* (−3.810)

Gross domestic product, ΔGDPt−1

0.009 (0.118)

Government consumption, ΔGOV t

0.278* (4.066)

Gross investment, ΔINV t

−0.007 (−0.990)

Exports, ΔXP t

0.212* (6.256)

Inflation, ΔINF t

−0.056* (−3.078)

Private credit, ΔPC t

0.211* (5.798)

Inflation × private credit, ΔINF × PC t

−0.040* (−5.968)

Liberalization dummy, ΔLIB t

0.024* (1.515)


−0.677* (−7.298)

Adjusted R-squared


Durbin’s h-statistic


Standard error of regression


Breusch–Godfrey, χ2(1)

0.319 (0.572)

Functional form

0.461 (0.497)

Test for heteroskedasticity, χ2(1)

2.922 (0.087)

Wald tests

 H0 = coefficient on ΔGDPt−1 = 0

0.014 (0.906)

 H0 = coefficient on ΔGOV t  = 0

16.536 (0.000)

 H0 = coefficient on ΔINV t  = 0

0.98 (0.322)

 H0 = coefficient on ΔXP t  = 0

39.14 (0.000)

 H0 = coefficient on ΔINF t  = 0

9.48 (0.002)

 H0 = coefficient on ΔPC t  = 0

33.62 (0.000)

 H0 = coefficient on ΔINF × PC t  = 0

35.61 (0.000)

 H0 = coefficient on ΔLIB t  = 0

2.29 (0.130)

 H0 = coefficient on ECMt−1 = 0

53.26 (0.000)

  1. * and ** are significant at 1 and 5 %, respectively
  2. p values are in parentheses