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Table 8 Determinants of SP date of entry and expansion by municipality

From: Does access to free health insurance crowd-out private transfers? Evidence from Mexico’s Seguro Popular


Date of entry

Expansion 2005

Expansion 2010




Log population

−1.303*** (0.1720)

0.0025 (0.0100)

−0.0064 (0.0093)

Log state population

4.250*** (0.2960)

−0.0241 (0.0205)

−0.0075 (0.0208)

Share of insured population

3.780*** (1.269)

−0.1370 (0.0889)

0.0371 (0.0819)

Share of urban population

0.6660 (0.6540)

0.0243 (0.0543)

−0.0692 (0.0548)

Log median wage

0.8370 (0.5540)

−0.0517 (0.0516)

−0.1380*** (0.0509)

Unemployment rate

−10.81 (9.754)

0.8010 (0.6360)

1.022 (0.7590)

PRI Governor

−3.074*** (0.8050)

0.0242 (0.0788)

−0.0096 (0.0593)

PRD Governor

−0.7550 (1.469)

−0.4140*** (0.0674)

−0.0826 (0.0600)

Share of population under age 24

−7.431* (4.222)

0.0430 (0.2700)

0.1700 (0.2400)

Share of population between ages 24 and 40

−15.38* (8.597)

0.4290 (0.5520)

−0.8850 (0.5570)

Avg. number of international migrants per HH

1.139 (1.962)

0.0250 (0.1320)

0.1820 (0.1390)

Log median international private transfers

0.0463 (0.0880)

0.0104 (0.0080)

0.0030 (0.0055)

Log median domestic private transfers

−0.1230 (0.2580)

−0.0168 (0.0270)

0.0056 (0.0176)

Share of pop. that receives int. private transfers

−2.775 (9.886)

−1.048 (0.6900)

−0.0737 (0.7310)

Share of pop. that receives dom. private transfers

12.75 (10.27)

0.9480 (0.7260)

−0.1160 (0.6840)





  1. Source: Author’s elaboration. In column (1) the dependent variable is an index beginning in the fourth quarter of 2002 that denotes the municipality’s date of entry into SP, and includes all the municipalities in the ENIGH. In columns (2) and (3) the dependent variable is the proportion of eligible individuals covered by SP at the municipality level in 2005 and 2010, respectively, and include all the municipalities in the ENIGH in those years. Data on the number of eligible individuals were taken from the 2005 Population Count and the 2010 Census. Data on the number of individuals covered by SP were provided by the CNPSS. Explanatory variables are drawn from the 2000 Census. The regressions also include variables denoting average years of schooling and share of male population in the municipality, state dummies, and industry share dummies by municipality. Robust standard errors are in parentheses
  2. *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1