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Table 6 Unit-root tests: capital accumulation equations.

From: Asymmetric real-exchange-rate effects on capital accumulation: evidence from non-linear ARDL models for Mexico


Augmented Dickey–Fuller



First difference


First difference

(A) Manufacturing

Accumulation rate

− 2.58

− 5.46***

− 2.63a

− 5.49***

Production growth rate

− 4.83***

− 8.19***

− 4.83***

− 15.07***

(B) Tradables

Accumulation rate

− 2.73*

− 5.42***

− 2.80*

− 5.44***

Production growth rate

− 4.90***

− 8.25***

− 4.90***

− 14.48***

(C) Non-tradables

Accumulation rate

− 4.50***

− 4.37***

− 3.76***

− 10.01***

Production growth rate

− 5.79***

− 8.47***

− 8.92***

− 24.73***

(D) Real exchange rate

Real exchange rate, RER

− 2.88*

− 4.68***

− 2.67*

− 5.69***

Depreciation component, RERD

− 1.15

− 4.83***

− 1.13

− 4.90***

Appreciation component, RERA

− 2.92*

− 3.86***

− 5.80***

− 3.95***

  1. Period 1992–2015, 24 annual observations
  2. ADF test: lag length determined by Akaike criterion, maximum 2. Test includes an intercept
  3. PP test: Bartlett kernel. Newey–West bandwidth. Test includes an intercept
  4. Or longest available after inclusion of lags and first differences
  5. aCritical value at 10% is − 2.64
  6. The unit-root hypothesis is rejected at ***1%, **5%, *10%